Asbestos Removal From Commercial and Residential Sites

If you or anyone in your family has developed cancer due to inhaling asbestos while at work, you may be eligible for MPA asbestos removal Adelaide. Asbestos is an artificial material generally used to line roofing and flooring, but it can also be found lining pipes and insulation. This material proved to be very hazardous to individuals working in the construction industry because it contained asbestos and, as a result, was banned from widespread use. However, since the ban has been lifted, more people are coming back into the construction and building business who now want to know about asbestos removal and the available services to take care of your asbestos disposal needs.

MPA asbestos removal AdelaideIf you live in Adelaide and have developed mesothelioma or pre-cancer due to asbestos exposure, you may qualify for a government-approved asbestos removal program. For this service, you will need to contact a company that offers this service in your area. The program offers two options; external cladding and the internal demolition and clearance of asbestos. An external cladding service is generally used when asbestos is found on the exterior of a building and, as such, is undertaken using heavy machinery.

This type of MPA asbestos removal Adelaide uses trucks with special trucks fitted with the equipment necessary to extract the asbestos. It also requires that the asbestos be securely placed inside steel containers before the process can commence. Once the asbestos has been safely removed, the containers are removed, and the materials are then hauled away. This type of asbestos removal in Adelaide is performed on a commercial basis and is quite expensive.

If the asbestos is located inside a building, this type of asbestos removal in Adelaide is performed by fully licensed contractors who have been thoroughly trained to remove this material. This service is performed in compliance with health and safety guidelines set by the Australian government. The fully licensed contractors are equipped with asbestos disposal units to ensure the integrity of the structure. The asbestos is then removed and taken to a safe site for secure storage.

The fully licensed contractors will only take the asbestos to an approved site for safekeeping once the project is completed. There are no restrictions placed on the size of MPA asbestos removal Adelaide or the distance in which it may travel. The only limitations are the weight and volume of material being removed and the methods employed.

The fully licensed contractors are required to document each piece of asbestos they transport or place in storage. The documentation must include the type of asbestos, the quantity being transported, and the site it is transported to. Once all documentation is complete, the item is returned to the applicant. All documentation and inspection of materials are undertaken by the licensed contractor in line with the requirements of the Australian government to ensure that asbestos-containing products are safe for human health and the environment.