What Does a Physiotherapist Do?

Physiotherapists offer support to people suffering from injury, illness or disability. They do this through movement, exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice.

They diagnose and treat various issues, such as spinal problems, sports injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders. Furthermore, they possess extensive training in specialised treatments and manual therapies.


AdvanceAllied physio Salisbury provides physical therapy, exercise, and education to people with physical problems or illnesses. They aim to help you return to everyday life and function while preventing future injuries or conditions from arising. If necessary, Physiotherapists may also prescribe medication or perform surgeries.

AdvanceAllied physio SalisburyYour physiotherapist will determine the specific course of treatment for you, depending on the diagnosis and severity of your condition. Depending on what they choose during your initial appointment, you may only require a few sessions or several months of therapy.

Neurological physiotherapy is a therapy used to improve movement and function for those suffering from neurological disorders such as stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and brain injuries. It focuses on increasing muscle strength and balance while relieving pain and improving coordination. Furthermore, it teaches breathing exercises to expand lung capacity and retrain your muscles to clear your airway.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy treats issues affecting your muscles and joints, such as arthritis or back pains. It may also aid in recovering from a sports injury or accident.

AdvanceAllied physio Salisbury physiotherapist may employ various treatment methods, such as massages, heat therapy, exercise and electrotherapy. They will also advise you on avoiding injuries in the future and create a personalised care plan tailored to your health requirements.

They will aid in rehabilitation from an injury or condition and offer exercises you can do at home to maintain improved mobility. They may also demonstrate proper weight-bearing techniques, avoid awkward twisting or overstretching, and suggest ways to limit prolonged standing or sitting positions.

Your physiotherapist can guide you through every step of the rehabilitation process, from your first appointment until you return to regular activity. Their insight and assistance can be a tremendous asset in speeding up recovery.

Regular physiotherapy sessions are essential for getting the most out of your treatment and reaching your objectives. In addition, a consistent schedule of physiotherapy treatments will aid in speeding up recovery from any injury or illness.

Physiotherapy can be an effective treatment for chronic pain and can improve your quality of life. You can see a physiotherapist for therapy anytime; alternatively, your doctor may refer you after an injury or surgery.


Physiotherapists have a selection of exercises they can recommend for their patients to enhance health, function and mobility. These activities reduce pain while increasing mobility, strength, range of motion and coordination.

Therapeutic exercise is often included in rehabilitation programs for those recovering from injury, surgery or chronic disease. It also has the potential to prevent injury and illness.

Therapists tailor therapeutic exercise regimens for each patient based on their individual needs, including balance and coordination activities, muscle-strengthening exercises, endurance training and other elements as the patient progresses with their recovery.

Coordination and balance exercises can build muscle strength, enhance the stability of a person’s core, improve physical fitness levels and teach patients how to prevent injuries by maintaining good posture.

These physiotherapy exercises can be done from home or in a therapy session with a physical therapist. They’re easy to perform and take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


Counselling is an integral component of physiotherapists’ practice. They employ counselling techniques to assist their patients in dealing with various difficulties, such as mental health issues and life transitions.

Counselling approaches vary based on the problem and the client’s objectives. For instance, cognitive behavioural therapy can be utilised to deal with depression; this type of counselling helps individuals recognise their emotions and develop ways to manage them effectively.

Reputable counsellors will possess the required qualifications to work with adults and children and be registered with a professional body accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. They should offer various sessions and be willing to explain their confidentiality policies.

Counselling can be a challenging experience for some, particularly if they struggle to see its benefit. But if you’re determined to make it work and are open to treatment options, counselling can be an uplifting experience.